This article does not need to be long. If you are reading this post, excellence is easy for you. You know this information already because only kind and dedicated people choose a career in hospitality. Your number one job is to make your guests happy. That’s it. Making your guests happy will increase revenue for your property.
The venerable Windsor Court Hotel, a gracious luxury property, is situated in beautiful New Orleans, Louisiana, USA. This is a city known for its’ historic French Quarter, amazing jazz, remarkable cuisine, Southern charm, and appealing hotels. Given all of the competition, how does the gorgeous Windsor Court Hotel consistently draw guests to this lovely property?
As I inquired about the various rules hotel associates needed to navigate when responding to guest requests, David Teich, the hotel’s General Manager, explained, “There are no rules. We do whatever it takes to make our guests happy. It’s simple and it’s always the right thing to do.”
Mr. Teich is correct. Happy guests keep returning and sending generations of new guests your way so that your property’s occupancy rate soars and every seat in your restaurants, coffee shops and casinos is loyally filled. This is the bottom line; this is why you are in business.
Unhappy guests will tell everyone they know horror stories about your brand:
- Studies show that most unhappy guests never complain.
- The main reason for customer dissatisfaction occurs when your guest believes he or she is being ignored.
So, how do you make your guests happy and create high room occupancy and terrific food and beverage revenue for your property? I’m going to go against conventional wisdom when I tell you to forget about being able to anticipate your guests’ needs all of the time. That’s just not realistic. Ask your guests what they need. Stop whatever you are doing when you see a guest and greet him or her by name, with a smile. Ask how you can help to make this visit spectacular. Then listen! You know your business and you know how to follow up both promptly and thoroughly.
Listening with the intent to take action is absolute magic. Of course you will never forget that you also have internal customers, your associates. It’s that easy. I said this would be a short post.
Excerpts of blog taken from the book: Hospitality Management – People Skills & Manners on and off the Job. Copyright © 2015 Lyn Pont, PhD
“Pont’s book is a must-read for anyone considering a career in hospitality.”
— Isadore Sharp, chairman and founder, Four Seasons Hotels and Resorts
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Lyn Pont, Ph.D. – World’s Top 30 Hospitality Professionals, 2016 – Global Gurus